Your whole food, plant-based life.

Thoughts on Raw

Zucchini2What we eat and how we eat it are the most powerful weapons we have against disease and aging. What we eat and how we eat it are the most powerful tools we can use to enhance our daily energy levels, clarity and enjoyment of life. We have become a society so addicted and emotionally connected to over processed, unhealthy food that we choose disease and even death rather than changing how we eat.

Ok…that might be a little harsh, no one actually chooses to get cancer, or have a heart attack or get diabetes. But how do we make the connection between what we are putting in our mouths and how we feel? How do we break the connection between instant gratification and unhealthy food finding the connection between whole foods and vibrant health?

Food sustains us,… Yet what we eat may affect our risk for several of the leading causes of death for Americans, notably, coronary heart disease, stroke, arteriolosclerosis, diabetes, and some types of cancer. These disorders together now account for more than two-thirds of all deaths in the United States.” -former Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop

Eating raw doesn’t have to be an all or nothing proposition. By getting your body to 51% raw, some amazing changes can occur. Enzymes remain present, fiber remains intact, vitamins don’t get destroyed.  Raw food can provide the nutrition our bodies need to be healthy. Our bodies were created to heal themselves. How can we expect this to occur when the fuel needed for that healing is anything less that optimum? We need to realize that what we put in our mouths directly affects our health.

Incorporating raw food into your life is neither complicated or time consuming. I spend much less time making a raw meal than I do a cooked one!  Clean up is a breeze! Over the next few days, I will show you how to set up your pantry to be more raw food friendly, introduce you to the equipment I use most and bring you more great, easy raw recipes.  Raw is the essence de la vie! The essence of life!

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  1. Goody wrote on August 22, 2009

    Can’t wait to see your next posts!


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