Your whole food, plant-based life.

Why Raw?

You are what you eat.
Food is fuel.

We know this but how often do we actually pay attention to what we are putting in our bodies? It matters, people. It can mean the difference between barely functioning and functioning with zeal, zest and a passion for life. The raw food diet can make a huge difference.

What if I told you that I had a pill that you could take daily that would reduce stress, give you tons of energy, provide optimum health, give you better sleep, a more youthful appearance and a lean, healthy body? I bet you would line up for it.  We have that “pill”. It is our food. Here’s the catch. It is our food in it’s raw, unprocessed, uncooked state. The fountain of youth.

We, as a nation are nutritionally starving. We are overweight and under nourished. We have established an insatiable craving for sugar and processed foods. These foods pollute our bodies, unbalance our hormones, deplete our immune system and age us beyond our years. We know where we are, now, where can we go?

This morning I turned this:

Into this!


It only took a few ingredients, a blender and a few minutes and I had a breakfast that nourished my body, gave me great energy and many much needed nutrients.

It isn’t hard but it can be difficult. Easy to prepare, but difficult to change our habits and our mindset. I believe that by starting small, making little changes, we can start to make great changes in our lives.

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One Comment

  1. Mia wrote on February 9, 2009

    What fresh and delicious looking food! And with spring and summer coming soon and everyone wanting to eat healthy for those bikini bodies…these recipes are perfect!


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