Your whole food, plant-based life.

Brazil Nut Smoothie

It has been crazy around here! The cookbook is in its final stages, and should be released in less than two weeks! I have been pouring all of my energy into the final stages, which has meant the blog has been a little quieter. But that will change tomorrow. All of the recipes and photos will be in the hands of the layout department, and the editor will be hard at work, so I can get back to work, here!

Lately, I have been enjoying Brazil nuts. They have a mild flavor that makes a beautiful nut milk, they can be substituted for almonds in many recipes, and they are on the less expensive side. Nutritionally speaking, they have a high selenium content which qualifies them as a “complete” protein. The fat in nuts are monounsaturated, or the “good” fat that is heart healthy. They also have copper, niacin, magnesium, fiber, and vitamin E.

Here is one of my favorite combinations, a cacao and banana smoothie made with Brazil nut milk.


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  1. Ellen wrote on April 30, 2010

    Aloha Everyone,
    Brazil nuts rate at 67 in the complete protein division at (an amazing source for looking at food values!)
    The awesome deal with this recipe is the banana puts the complete protein over the top!
    Have a great weekend.
    I am sitting listening to birds sing while I have double recipe of cashew cheese hanging!

  2. Stephanie wrote on April 30, 2010

    “Selenium is a component of the unusual amino acids selenocysteine and selenomethionine.”

    Yes, but it is still low in lysine so how is it a “complete protein” ? Wouldn’t it need to have all of the essential amino acids? (And selenocysteine and selenomethione aren’t essential, and lysine is?)

    • Susan wrote on April 30, 2010

      There are many nutritional articles that are out there that actually state that Brazil nuts are rich in lysine. You can also find many that state that there is enough lysine in Brazil nuts to qualify them as a complete protein. 140 gm of Brazil nuts = 757 mg lysine.

  3. Katherine wrote on April 29, 2010

    wow! I would love to try this (try meaning consume; not actually create)
    Looks so good!

  4. Ellen wrote on April 29, 2010

    Aloha and best to you in these final days of producing your efforts into art!
    By the way, I made the cashew cheese a few weeks ago. Yummy, yummy, yummy. there is a double recipe brewing now. I also found that the flavor changes over a period of time, even though refrigerated. It seemed to taste better and better until it completely disappeared!

  5. Faith Lubitz wrote on April 29, 2010

    I have a question- I have purchased organic brazil nuts several times from my local food co-op, the Wedge in Minneapolis. They are raw and kept refrigerated at the store. But they often taste moldy to me. I went online and found quite a bit to indicate they are especially subject to mold when they are harvested since they are from the jungle and they ‘sweat ‘ in the heat unless they are turned periodically. Does anyone here have a source for non-moldy Brazil nuts? thanks!

    • Susan wrote on April 29, 2010

      Faith: I get my Brazil nuts at Lakewinds. Have never had any problems.

  6. Brenda wrote on April 29, 2010

    Even though the picture is nice, there is still the possibility of overdosing and experiencing the symptoms of selenium toxicity from consuming too many brazil nuts. Also, they are so greasy and heavy! Even if it is just monounsaturated fats, it’s still FAT.

    • Susan wrote on April 29, 2010

      Brenda, Yes, you do not want to consume too many. You don’t want to consume too many of anything. For you, they might be too greasy and heavy, nonetheless, they have some amazing health benefits. And we do need fat, we just need healthy fat and to moderate our consumption.

  7. Melissa wrote on April 29, 2010

    congratulations on getting the book to its final stages!
    As for Brazil nuts..I would say they are my favorite or at least top 3! The taste is just so amazing to me. I have to try the brazil nut milk..yum!

  8. Victoria wrote on April 29, 2010

    Congratulations for your cookbook.
    I’m from Roumania and I accidentaly discoverd your blog. It was amazing for me to discover a new lifestile. I live with “carnivores” and the vegeterians are looked as insanes. Thinking about raw food…it will be inconceivable. I’m now in transition but my health has already improuved. Thank you for all the recipes. You do a very good job. Keep doing!


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