Your whole food, plant-based life.

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Raw Food and Nutritional Yeast

Post by Susan on July 14, 2010

Before we jump into today’s post, I want to take care of a little website business. If you subscribe to our feed, please note we are now implimenting Aweber. Why, you ask? Our Feedburner feed or RSS subscription will only notify you when a new blog post is up. If you subscribe through Aweber (upper…

Raw Food: Soaking Nuts and Seeds
Raw Food: Soaking Nuts and Seeds

Whether you are eating a raw food diet, or simply incorporating more raw foods into your diet, most likely you are eating more nuts and seeds. In raw food cooking, nuts and seeds are a versatile food source. They can be used to make substitutions for many dairy products such as milk, sour cream, cream…

Heirloom Tomatoes: Other Uses
Heirloom Tomatoes: Other Uses

I Found another use for heirloom tomatoes last night. Skyler, my Kuvasz managed to tick off a skunk. I let the dogs out for their evening constitutional and the next thing I knew Skyler was barking up a storm in the woods. Deer? Raccoon? I called and called to no avail. She was completely ignoring…

Basic Questions About Raw Foods
Basic Questions About Raw Foods

I recently had lunch with my mom and a few of her friends, who have been on this planet for at least 7 decades (is that a politically correct way to state your age, Mom?). The big topic of discussion was this “raw thing” that I was into. As I sat there trying to help…